IFRS press releases and publications
- ESMA publishes response to IASB Request for Information on the Post Implementation Review of IFRS 10, 11 and 12 (europa.eu)(30.3.2021)
- ESMA public statement on the application of IFRS 9 in the specific context of the COVID-19 outbreak (News release 1 April 2020, 9/2020)
- ESMA public statement on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the deadlines for publishing financial reports under the Transparency Directive (News release 27 March 2020, 8/2020)
- EBA and ESMA to clarify the prudential framework, IFRS 9 and consumer protection due to the coronavirus epidemic (Supervision release 27 March 2020, 10/2020)
- ESMA statement of transparent disclosure of actual and potential Covid-19 impacts in financial reporting (11 March 2020)
- IFRS 9 Rahoitusinstrumentit – Finanssivalvonnan ja EKP:n käyttöönoton seurantatyö Suomessa (Supervision release 15 March 2019, 8/2019) (in Finnish)
- Finanssivalvonta selventää tilinpäätöksen oikeaa ja riittävää kuvaa koskevaa kirjanpitolain muutosta (Supervision release 25 January 2017, 3/2017) (in Finnish)
- Listayhtiöiltä odotetaan vuoden 2016 tilinpäätöksissä tietoja uuden IFRS 9 Rahoitusinstrumentit -tilinpäätösstandardin käyttöönotosta (Supervision release 14 November 2016, 74/2016) (in Finnish)
- Listed companies are expected to give information on the implementation of the new revenue standard in its 2016 financial statements (News release 19 August 2016, 8/2016)
- ESMAn ohje listayhtiöiden taloudellisen raportoinnin tunnusluvuista julkaistu suomeksi ja ruotsiksi (News release 7 October 2015, 13/2015) (in Finnish)
- ESMAn lausunto talletussuojamaksujen kirjaamisesta IFRS-tilinpäätöksissä (Supervision release 54/2015, 17 December 2015) (in Finnish)
- ESMAlta ohje listayhtiöiden taloudellisen raportoinnin tunnuslukuihin (News release 8 July 2015, 8/2015) (in Finnish)
- Komissio arvioi tilinpäätösasetuksen tavoitteet saavutetuiksi (News release 2 July 2015, 7/2015) (in Finnish)
- ESMA arvioinut rahoituslaitosten IFRS-tilinpäätösten vertailukelpoisuutta – EBAlta seurantaraportti vakavaraisuustietojen julkistamisesta (Supervision release 89/2013, 23.12.2013) (in Finnish)
- Listed companies carry out reporting on environmentally sustainable activities for the first time (Market newsletter 3/2023)
- Useful examples of disclosing impacts of climate change in IFRS financial statements in a recent publication by European securities market regulators (Market newsletter 3/2023)
- European common enforcement priorities for financial reports have been published (Market newsletter 3/2023)
- Sustainability reporting in digital format commences, accompanied by the digitalisation of financial statements and management report (Market newsletter 3/2023)
ESMA’s statement on transparency on implementation of IFSR 17 Insurance Contracts (Market newsletter 1/2022)
- Listed companies are expected to provide in their half-yearly financial reports sufficient information on the impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on their financial reporting – ESMA has issued a public statement.
Financial reporting enforcement results in Europe 2021 (Market newsletter 1/2022)
- ESMA emphasises need for transparency in preparation of 2020 half-yearly report (Market newsletter 1/2020)
- IFRS stakeholder event with Erkki Liikanen and Hans Hoogervorst (Market newsletter 4/2019)
- Accounting treatment of leases still seeking its form – IFRS Enforcement’s observations on the year of adoption (Market newsletter 4/2019)
- What did financial institutions disclose about credit risks and expected credit losses? (Market newsletter 4/2019)
- ESMA’s accounting enforcement priorities for 2020 – broader statement covering non-financial information and alternative performance measures (Market newsletter 4/2019)
- Information on listed companies’ electronic XBRL reporting at RTE seminar in Otaniemi (Market newsletter 4/2019)
- Audit Committee Event 20 September 2019 (Market newsletter 3/2019)
- Listayhtiöiden sähköisestä XBRL-raportoinnista tietoa 14.11.2019 RTE-seminaarissa Otaniemessä (Market newsletter 3/2019) (This article only in Finnish)
- ESMAlta kannanotto laskennallisten verosaamisten kirjaamisesta (Market newsletter 3/2019) (This article only in Finnish)
- European Commission has published Delegated Regulation on a European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) for listed companies’ financial reporting (Market newsletter 2/2019)
- Companies still have room for improvement in separating audited and unaudited information (Market newsletter 2/2019)
- European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) to publish enforcement decision on significance of forbearance in credit risk assessment (Market newsletter 2/2019)
- Financial reporting stakeholders in breakfast meeting discussion (Market newsletter 4/2018)
- Enforcer's observations on listed companies' annual reports (28 January 2019)
- Erkki Liikanen appointed Chair of the IFRS Foundation Trustees: better transparency enhances the functioning of capital markets (Market newsletter 3/2018)
- Mitä yhtiöt kertoivat uuden IFRS-tulouttamisstandardin käyttöönoton vaikutuksista? (Market newsletter 2/2018) (This article only in Finnish)
- Regulation on revenue recognition of listed companies will change in 2018 – investors expect information on the changes (Market newsletter 1/2017)
- Tilinpäätöksen liitetietoinformaation valvonta yhdenmukaistumassa (Market newsletter 4/2016) (This article only in Finnish)
- Tilinpäätösvalvonnan tuloksia Euroopassa ja Suomessa 2015 (Market newsletter 3/2016) (This article only in Finnish)
- ESMA julkaissut uusia valvontapäätöksiä (Market newsletter 2/2015) (This article only in Finnish)
- EFRAGin tilaisuus IFRS-raportoinnin käsitteellisestä viitekehyksestä (Market newsletter 2/2015) (This article only in Finnish)
- IASB kehittää liitetietoja ja IAASB liitetietojen tilintarkastusta (Market newsletter 1/2015) (This article only in Finnish)
- Ruplan heikkenemisen vaikutuksia listayhtiöiden tilinpäätösraportointiin – ruplariski IFRS-valvonnan kohteena (Market newsletter 1/2015) (This article only in Finnish)
- ESMA julkaissut uusia valvontapäätöksiä (Market newsletter 4/2014) (This article only in Finnish)
- Laadukas tilinpäätösinformaatio tukee yhtiötä sen heikossa taloudellisessa tilanteessa (Market newsletter 3/2014) (This article only in Finnish)
- ESMA selvitti yrityshankintoja koskevan IFRS-standardin soveltamista Euroopassa (Market newsletter 3/2014) (This article only in Finnish)
- Ehdotettu tilintarkastuskertomus parantaa tilintarkastuksen läpinäkyvyyttä (Market newsletter 2/2014) (This article only in Finnish)
- ESMA julkaissut uusia valvontapäätöksiä (Market newsletter 2/2014) (This article only in Finnish)
- ESMA julkaissut uusia valvontapäätöksiä (Market newsletter 4/2013) (This article only in Finnish)
- Opinion of the Accounting Board on notes to the financial statement on listed companies’ management pension commitments has been published (Market newsletter 3/2013)
- Globaalitason pankkivalvontakomitea vaatii tehokasta vuorovaikutusta pankkivalvojien ja tilintarkastajien välille (Market newsletter 2/2013) (This article only in Finnish)
- Euroopan tilinpäätösvalvojat julkaisseet uusia valvontapäätöksiä (Market newsletter 2/2013) (This article only in Finnish)
- Olennaisuus IFRS-raportoinnissa – ESMAn lausuntopalaute (Market newsletter 1/2013) (This market newsletter only in Finnish)
- Johdon lähipiiritiedot tärkeitä sijoittajille (Market newsletter 1/2013)
- Euroopan tilinpäätösvalvojat julkaisseet uusia valvontapäätöksiä (Market newsletter 4/2012)
- ESMAn raportti liikearvon arvonalentumistestauksista (Market newsletter 4/2012)
- Pankkien uudelleen neuvottelemat luotot rahoitusvaikeuksissa olevien asiakkaiden kanssa (Market newsletter 4/2012)
- Euroopan tilinpäätösvalvojat kokoontuivat Helsinkiin (Market newsletter 3/2012)
- Olennaisuus IFRS-raportoinnissa – yhteenveto ESMAn konsultaation palautteista (Market newsletter 3/2012)
- ESMA arvioinut Kreikan valtion velkakirjojen tilinpäätöskäsittelyä 31.12.2011 – rahoitusinstrumentit edelleen painopisteenä vuoden 2013 työssä (Market newsletter 3/2012)
- Epävarmuus toiminnan jatkuvuudesta – tärkeää sijoittajainformaatiota (Market newsletter 2/2012)
- Listayhtiöiden tilinpäätösvalvontaan uusi toimintatapa tehostamaan valvontaprosessia – tilintarkastuksen aikana todetut virheellisyydet myös valvojan tietoon (Market newsletter 2/2012)
- ESMAn strategiset linjaukset IFRS-standardeihin vaikuttamisessa – tie johdonmukaisempaan kommentointiin (Market newsletter 1/2012)
- ESMA ohjeistaa valtioiden velkakirjojen yhdenmukaista tilinpäätöskäsittelyä (Market newsletter 4/2011)
- ESMAn raportti segmenttiraportointia koskevan standardin (IFRS 8) soveltamisen ongelmakohdista (Market newsletter 4/2011)
- Segmenttiraportointi Euroopan laajuisesti kiinnostuksen kohteena (Market newsletter 3/2011)
- Euroopan tilinpäätösvalvojat julkaisseet uusia valvontapäätöksiä (Market newsletter 3/2011)
- Euroopan arvopaperimarkkinaviranomaisen (ESMA) tiedonanto IFRS-raportoinnissa annettavista tiedoista, jotka koskevat sijoituksia valtion velkakirjoihin (Market newsletter 3/2011)
- EFRAGin tilaisuus uusista IFRS-standardeista: tulouttaminen ja vuokrasopimukset (Market newsletter 2/2011),
Tilaisuuden esitysmateriaali (pdf) - Euroopan finanssimarkkinoiden valvojat vaikuttamassa tilintarkastussääntelyyn (Market newsletter 2/2011)
- Euroopan tilinpäätösvalvojat julkaisseet uusia valvontapäätöksiä – tiivistelmä nyt suomeksi (Market newsletter 1/2011)
- Etuuspohjaisten eläkejärjestelyjen supistamiset (IAS 19) (Market newsletter 5/2010)
- Arvonalentumistappioita liikearvosta kirjattu vain vähän talouden epävarmoista näkymistä huolimatta (Market newsletter 3/2010)
- Pitkäaikaisen omaisuuserän tai luovutettavien erien ryhmän myynti (IFRS 5) (Market newsletter 2/2010)
- 1.12.22 Listayhtiötilaisuus
Koko esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 11/2020 Vastuullisuusraportoinnin kehityssuuntia-webinaari
Koko esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 11/2020 Listayhtiötilaisuus
Koko esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 02/2020 Report on the Audit Committee Survey by FIN-FSA and PRH
- 09/2019 FIN-FSA's and PRH's Audit Committee Event 2019
- Presentation material (pdf)
- 09/2019 IFRS Stakeholder Event with Erkki Liikanen and Hans Hoogervorst
- Presentation material (pdf)
- 12/2018 Listayhtiötilaisuudet
Koko Esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 12/2017 Listayhtiötilaisuudet
Esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 05/2017 Epävarmat veropositiot, Laura Heinolan esitys PwC:n tilaisuudessa
Esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 05/2017 Finanssivalvonnan puheenvuoro, Tiina Visakorven ja Laura Heinolan esitys Directors’ Institute Finlandin tilaisuudessa
Esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 05/2017 IAS:n vaikutukset valvojan näkökulmasta, Nina Lindemanin ja Anu Lassila-Longan esitys ST-Akatemian Tilinpäätösraportointipäivässä
Esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 12/2016 Listayhtiötilaisuudet
Esitysmateriaali - 12/2015 Listayhtiötilaisuudet
Esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 12/2014 Listayhtiötilaisuudet
Esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 12/2013 Listayhtiötilaisuudet
Esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 12/2012 Listayhtiötilaisuudet
Esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 12/2011 Listayhtiötilaisuudet
Esitysmateriaali (pdf)
IFRS-tilinpäätösvalvonnan eräitä havaintoja vuonna 2011 (pdf) - 12/2010 Listayhtiöiden IR- ja talousväelle pidetyt infotilaisuudet
Esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 5.5.2010 Seminaari: Five years of IFRS Reporting – how does the future look like?
Ohjelma (pdf) ja esitysmateriaali (pdf) - 12/2009 IFRS-infotilaisuudet listayhtiöille
Esitysmateriaali - Raportti IFRS-valvonnasta 29.10.2009 (pdf)
- Raportti IFRS-valvonnasta 13.11.2008 (pdf)
- Selvitys listayhtiöiden vuoden 2006 IFRS-tilinpäätöksistä (pdf)
- Kyselylomake IAS 36 -standardin Omaisuuserien arvonalentuminen soveltamisesta (pdf)
- Selvitys listayhtiöiden vuoden 2005 IFRS-tilinpäätöksistä (pdf)
- “From black box to open book?” Evidence from the first application of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts (25.10.2024)
- European common enforcement priorities for 2024 corporate reporting (24.10.2024)
- Clearing the smog: Accounting for Carbon Allowances in Financial Statements (8.10.2024)
Consultation on Draft Guidelines on Enforcement of Sustainability Information (15.12.2023)
- European common enforcement priorities for 2023 annual financial reports (25.10.2023)
- Report on Disclosures of Climate-Related Matters in the Financial Statements (25.10.2023)
- Results of a fact-finding exercise on corporate reporting practices under the Taxonomy Regulation (25.10.2023)
- 2022 Corporate reporting enforcement and regulatory activities (29.3.2023)
European enforcers focus on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, economic outlook and climate-related disclosures(28.10.2022)
- 2021 Corporate reporting enforcement and regulatory activities (30.3.2022)
ESMA coordinates regulatory response to the war in Ukraine and its impact on EU financial markets (14.3.2022)
On the application of the IFRS 7 and IFRS 9 requirements regarding banks’ expected credit losses (ECL) (15.12.2021)
- European enforcers target COVID-19 and climate-related disclosures (europa.eu) (29.1.2021)
- Annual Report on IFRS Enforcement (6.4.2021)
- ESMA Public statement on clarifications on the application of the TD requirements by UK issuers with securities admitted to trading on regulated markets in the EU (31.3.2021)
- ESMA publishes response to IASB Request for Information on the Post Implementation Review of IFRS 10, 11 and 12 (europa.eu)(30.3.2021)
- Response to IFRS Foundation’s Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting (16 December 2020)
- ESMA publishes translations for Guidelines on enforcement of financial information (23 November 2020)
- ESMA identifies deficiencies in German supervision of Wirecard’s financial reporting (3 November 2020)
- ESMA Public Statement on the European Common Enforcement Priorities 2020 (28 October 2020)
- ESMA Public Statement on supervisory action on accounting for COVID-19 lease modifications (21 July 2020)
- ESMA responds to European Commission consultation on revision of NFRD (11 June 2020)
- ESMA Public Statement on half-yearly financial reports in relation to covid-19 (20 May 2020)
- Report on Enforcement and regulatory activities of European enforcers in 2019 (2 April 2020)
- ESMA statement of transparent disclosure of actual and potential Covid-19 impacts in financial reporting (11 March 2020)
- ESMA public statement on the application of IFRS 9 in the specific context of the COVID-19 outbreak (25 March 2020)
- ESMA Issues Guidance on Financial Reporting Deadlines in Light of Covid-19 (27 March 2020)
- ESMA publishes Guidelines on enforcement of financial information (4 February.2020)
- Listed issuers must continue to focus on new reporting standards in the 2019 financial statements, press release (22 October 2019)
- ESMA Public Statement on European common enforcement priorities for 2019 IFRS financial statements (22 October 2019) (pdf)
- ESMA Public Statement on IAS 12 Income Taxes, regarding deferred tax assets (DTAs) arising from unused tax losses in IFRS financial statements (15 July 2019) (pdf)
- ESMA Enforcement and Regulatory Activities of European Accounting Enforcers in 2018 (27 March 2019) (pdf)
- Listed issuers must focus on new IFRS standards in 2018 annual financial reports, press release (26 October 2018)
- ESMA Public Statement on European common enforcement priorities for 2018 IFRS financial statements (26 October 2018) (pdf)
- ESMA Report on Enforcement and Regulatory Activies of Accounting Enforcers in 2017 (3 April 2018) (pdf)
- ESMA draws issuers’ attention to IAS requirements following introduction of new tax legislation in the US (26 January 2018)
- New rules make EU issuers’ annual financial reports machine-readable, press release (18 December 2017)
- Listed issuers must focus on new IFRS standards in 2017 annual financial reports, press release (27 October 2017)
- ESMA Public Statement on European common enforcement priorities for 2017 IFRS financial statements (27 October 2017) (pdf)
- Summary of results of the fact finding exercise on IFRS 9 and IFRS 15 (27.10.2017) (pdf)
- ESMA reviews the application of IFRS 13 – Fair value measurement requirements
- ESMA prepares for new International Financial Reporting Standard 9 (10 November 2016)
- ESMA sets enforcement priorities for listed companies’ 2016 financial statements (28 October 2016) (pdf)
- ESMA Public Statement on Issues for consideration in implementing IFRS 15: Revenue from Contracts with Customers (20 July 2016) (pdf)
- ESMA sets enforcement priorities for listed companies’ 2015 financial statements (27 October 2015) (pdf)
- ESMA urges companies to improve quality of disclosures in financial statements (27 October 2015)
- ESMA opinion on accounting for Deposit Guarantee Scheme (25 September 2015) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes a report on the enforcement and regulatory activities of accounting enforcers in 2014 (31 March 2015)
- Report (pdf)
- ESMA publishes a compliance table on the guidelines on the enforcement of financial information (31 March 2015) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes official translations of the ESMA Guidelines for enforcement of financial information (28 October 2014)
- ESMA publishes its European common enforcement priorities for 2014 financial statements (28 October 2014) (pdf)
- IFRS Foundation and ESMA sign joint Statement of Protocols (15 July 2014)
- ESMA publishes accounting enforcement guidelines (10 July 2014)
- ESMA publishes the report on the review on the application of accounting requirements for business combinations in IFRS financial statements (16 June 2014)
- ESMA publishes the Report on Activities of IFRS Enforcers in Europe in 2013 (23 May 2014) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes a Review of the comparability and quality of disclosures in 2012 IFRS financial statements of listed financial institutions (18 November 2013
- Final Report (pdf)
- ESMA publishes its European common enforcement priorities for 2013 financial statements (11 November 2013) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes the Activity Report on the IFRS enforcement in 2012 (22 July 2013) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes the feedback statement to the consultation on considerations of materiality in financial reporting (14 February 2013) (pdf)
- ESMA calls for improvements in disclosures related to goodwill impairment
- ESMA Report: Review of 2011 IFRS financial statements related to impairment testing of goodwill (21 January 2013) (pdf)
- ESMA issues statement on forbearance practices (20 December 2012) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes review of accounting treatment of Greek sovereign debt (26 July 2012)
- ESMA issues a public statement on sovereign debt in IFRS financial statements (25 November 2011) (pdf)
- ESMA launches a consultation on the considerations of materiality in financial reporting (10 November 2011) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes the Review of European enforcers on the implementation of IFRS 8 – Operating Segments (10 November 2011) (pdf)
- ESMA Statement on disclosures related to sovereign debt to be included in IFRS financial statements (28 July 2011) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes the 29th Extract from the EECS’s Database of Enforcement(27.5.2024)
- ESMA publishes the 28th Extract from the EECS’s Database of Enforcement.(9.10.2023)
- ESMA publishes the 27th Extract from the EECS’s Database of Enforcement (29.3.2023)
- ESMA publishes the 26th Extract from the EECS's Database of Enforcement (17.5.2022)
- ESMA publishes the 25th Extract from the EECS's Database of Enforcement (15.7.2021)
- ESMA publishes the 24th Extract from the EECS's Database of Enforcement (2.4.2020)
- ESMA publishes the 23rd Extract from the EECS's Database of Enforcement (16.7.2019)
- ESMA publishes the 22nd Extract from the EECS's Database of Enforcement (19.4.2018)
- ESMA publishes the 21st Extract from the EECS’s Database of Enforcement (31.10.2017)
- Report - 21st Extract from the EECS’s Database of Enforcement (31.10.2017) (pdf)
- List of decisions published in the Extracts from the EECS’s Database of Enforcement (31.10.2017) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes the 20th Extract from the EECS' database of accounting enforcement decisions (5.1.2017) (pdf)
- List of decisions published in the Extracts from the EECS’s Database of Enforcement (5.1.2015) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes the 19th Extract from the EECS’ database of accounting enforcement decisions (28.7.2016) (pdf)
- List of decisions published in the Extracts from the EECS’s Database of Enforcement (28.7.2015) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes 18th Extract from the EECS's database of enforcement (25.11.2015) (pdf)
- List of decisions published in the Extracts from the EECS’s Database of Enforcement (25.11.2015) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes 17th Extract from the EECS's database of enforcement (21.7.2015) (pdf)
- List of decisions published in the Extracts from the EECS’s Database of Enforcement (18.11.2014) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes 16th Extract from the EECS's database of enforcement (18.11.2014) (pdf)
- List of decisions published in the Extracts from the EECS’s Database of Enforcement (9.4.2014) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes 15th Extract from the EECS’s database of enforcement (9.4.2014) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes 14th Extract from the EECS’s database of enforcement (29.10.2013) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes 13th Extract from the EECS’s database of enforcement (4.4.2013) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes 12th Extract from the EECS’s database of enforcement (10.10.2012) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes 11th Extract from the EECS’s database of enforcement (16.8.2011) (pdf)
- ESMA publishes 10th extract from EECS's database of enforcement decisions (8.3.2011) (pdf)
- CESR publishes 9th extract from EECS's database of enforcement decisions (25.10.2010) (pdf)
- CESR publishes 8th extract from EECS’s database of enforcement decisions (13.7.2010) (pdf)
- CESR publishes 7th extract from EECS’s database of enforcement decisions (16.12.2009) (pdf)
- CESR publishes 6th extract from EECS’s database of enforcement decisions (26.9.2009) (pdf)
- CESR publishes 5th extract from EECS’s database of enforcement decisions (24.3.2009) (pdf)
- CESR publishes 4th extract from EECS’s database of enforcement decisions (23.12.2008) (pdf)
- CESR publishes the 3rd extract from EECS's database of enforcement decisions (19.5.2008) (pdf)
- CESR publishes key information from its database of enforcement decisions taken by EU National Enforcers of financial information (IFRS) (17.12.2007) (pdf)
- CESR publishes key information from its database of enforcement decisions taken by EU National Enforcers of financial information (IFRS) (16.4.2007) (pdf)