
Supervision and processing fees

Supervision fees

Supervision fees are tax-like fees collected each calendar year from entities supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority and from other fee-paying entities, and they are used to cover the costs arising from the activities of the FIN-FSA. Usually, around 90% of the FIN-FSA’s funding is covered by supervision fees and around 5% by processing fees. Additionally, the Bank of Finland contributes to the FSA’s funding with a 5% share.

The Act on the Supervision Fees of the Financial Supervisory Authority (1209/2023, hereinafter Supervision Fees Act, contains detailed provisions on the fee-paying entities and the basis of payment for each fee-paying entity’s supervision fee. The supervision fee is collected as either a basic fee or as a combination of the basic fee and a proportional fee. The basic fees are fixed, while the proportional fees vary based on a coefficient stipulated in the Act and a proportional factor, e.g. the balance sheet or turnover of the company. The proportional factor is based on the financial statements of the previous accounting year.

The supervision fee for each year is determined so that the total amount collected as supervision fees together with other income of the FIN-FSA and potential surpluses or deficits of the previous accounting years does not exceed the expenses contained in the approved budget of that year.

Example: The Financial Supervisory Authority’s budget amounts to EUR 30.0 million, of which processing fees amount to EUR 1.5 million, the Bank of Finland’s contribution to funding accounts for EUR 1.5 million and budget surplus from the previous accounting year amounts to EUR 1.0 million. The remaining EUR 26.0 million will be covered with supervision fees. Based on the provisions on the determination of fee criteria in the Act on Supervision Fees, the FIN-FSA could, in this example, collect up to a total EUR 30.0 million in supervision fees from fee-paying entities. As the total need for funding is only EUR 26.0 million, the FIN-FSA lowers the supervision fee of each fee-paying entity by an equal proportional amount (13.3%) so that the total collected fees amount to EUR 26.0 million.

The supervision fee falls due on the date set by the Financial Supervision Authority, but no sooner than the last day of June in the calendar year. The fee is paid in one instalment.

Where payment liability terminates during the calendar year, the liable entity is, upon application, refunded with as many one-twelfths of the proportional supervision fee collected as there are full calendar months between termination of payment liability and close of the calendar year. However, insurance and pension institutions will be charged a proportional supervision fee until the end of the calendar month during which the institution’s total insurance portfolio or pension liability was transferred to another insurance or pension institution, or the institution’s insurance liabilities were otherwise demonstrably settled. The basic fee will not be refunded if the payment liability terminates during the calendar year. (section 12, subsections 2 and 4 of the Act on the Supervision Fees of the Financial Supervisory Authority).

Liable entities may apply for supervision fee refunding with a free-form application that should include the following information:

  • identification data on liable entity and invoice
  • basis for refunding and termination of payment liability
  • termination date
  • amount paid
  • amount to be refunded
  • applicant and contact person
  • bank account information
  • short description of corporate restructuring that led to termination of payment liability (merger, transfer of business), if anything of the kind occurred.

Please send your application for refunding to FIN-FSA at the address:

Financial Supervisory Authority
P.O.Box 103
or by e-mail to kirjaamo(at)

Processing fees

Some FSA decisions and other measures are subject to processing fees. The chargeable measures and their fees are described in the relevant schedule of processing fees.

The processing fees are levied in arrears (with the exception of the registration application of an insurance intermediary).

Invoicing and collection of invoices

Invoicing and collection of supervision and processing fees are handled by the Finnish Government Shared Services Centre for Finance and HR (Palkeet). The FIN-FSA’s supervision fees and the majority of processing fees are governed by public law. Payment of these fees may, together with interest, be enforced without judgment or decision. The FIN-FSA may grant extension for the payment of processing fees to an applicant in temporary financial distress. A written application for a payment schedule should be sent before the due date of the invoice to the address palkeet(at)

Bank account details for the FIN-FSA

Danske Bank A/S, Finland Branch
Televisiokatu 1
PO Box 1243
FI10 8129 9710 0182 43 DABAFIHH

Effective schedule of processing fees

Schedule of processing fees (pdf)
effective from 1 January 2024

Previous schedules of processing fees

Schedule of processing fees (pdf)
effective from 1 January 2022

Schedule of processing fees (pdf)
effective from 1 January 2021

Processing fees charged by the FIN-FSA are subject to the Act on the Charge Criteria of the State (150/1992) and the fee schedule for the FIN-FSA’s chargeable services. The fee schedule is mainly based on fixed prices. Services where the amount of work required may vary to an exceptional degree are subject to a hourly rate in addition to the basic fee. Where a hourly rate is applicable, it will be pointed out to the applicant/requester before imposing the fee.

Processing fee is charged:

  • Where the actions of another authority requires measures by the FIN-FSA (eg preparatory work/decision proposal), these will be subject to a fee based on the fee schedule and additional costs, if any. Unless otherwise provided, the fee will be charged on the basis of the amount of working time spent.
  • Where the performance of a service effectively enables the performance of several services in parallel, the fee will be based on the amount of working time spent.
  • Scheduled processing fees will be charged for both positive and negative resolutions. If the processing of an application is interrupted due to the applicant’s withdrawal of the application, a fee is collected for the costs that have arisen up to the point of withdrawal. This also
    applies to situations where the applicant takes a decision in the pre-application stage not to submit an official application. The costs arising from the processing of an application are determined on the basis of the working hours used and any specific costs relating to the
    processing of the application (total costs). In the case of an ordinary routine application, the costs may also be determined in accordance with the stage of preparation indicated by the process description.
  • Where a process has been initiated during the validity of the previous fee schedule, the prices valid at the time of filing the application shall apply, or the present prices, if they lead to a more favourable outcome for the applicant.
  • The basis of determination of the processing fees is cost price (total costs) in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Charge Criteria of the State.
  • If the fee schedule does not indicate a price for a chargeable service, a hourly rate of EUR 131 will be charged for each hour of work performed in processing the matter.

Processing fee is not charged:

  • No processing fees are charged for services performed as part of ongoing supervision and which are or may be targeted at several supervised entities or parties comparable to a supervised entity. The costs of ongoing supervision are covered by supervision fees in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Supervision Fees of the Financial Supervisory Authority (1209/2023), (in Finnish).

The FIN-FSA’s chargeable services are mainly services under public law.

The collection of fees for services provided under public law without a separate decision has been provided separately in law.

Maximum fees

The maximum fees for services with an additional hourly rate for work exceeding the average amount of work are determined as follows:

  • For a supervised entity or other entity liable to pay a fee, whose balance sheet total or assets under management exceed EUR 10 billion, the processing fee may be ten times the basic fee at the maximum.
  • For a supervised entity or other entity liable to pay a fee, whose balance sheet total or assets under management are EUR 1-10 billion, the processing fee may be five times the basic fee at the maximum.
  • For other supervised entities and other entities liable to pay a fee, the processing fee may be three times the basic fee at the maximum.

These maximum fees do not apply to the fees specified in the separate appendices to the fee schedule.