Crowdfunding service providers


The EU Crowdfunding Regulation ((EU) 2020/1503) is applicable to the provision of investment- and lending-based crowdfunding services from 10 November 2021.

A Government proposal (HE 228/2021 vp) for legislation supplementing the EU Crowdfunding Regulation was submitted to Parliament on 2 December 2021. The new Act on the Provision of Crowdfunding Services (203/2022) was adopted and the national Crowdfunding Act (734/2016) repealed on 1 April 2022. In the future, providing investment- and lending-based crowdfunding services will always be subject to authorisation.

Legislation on crowdfunding service providers

National legislation
The Act on the Provision of Crowdfunding Services

EU regulation
EU Crowdfunding Regulation ((EU) 2020/1503)

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1988 extending the transitional period under the EU Crowdfunding Regulation

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/2111-23 supplementing the EU Crowdfunding Regulation with regard to regulatory and implementing technical standards

Q&A published by ESMA on the EU Crowdfunding Regulation