Employee pension insurance
The Employee Pension Institutions Division of the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) is responsible for supervising the solvency of employee pension companies, company pension funds, insurance funds and statutory pension institutions. In addition, we participate actively in the preparation and enforcement of regulations relating to pension institutions.
Amendment to Regulations and guidelines 1/2011 Submission of electronic supervisory data of entities operating in the insurance markets
Regulations and guidelines of standard 1.5 on the supervision of financial and insurance conglomerates have been repealed
Financial Supervisory Authority to conduct stress tests for insurance and pension sectors
Financial Supervisory Authority will focus in 2024 on risk resilience of supervised entities in a changing operating environment and on soundness of governance
Financial Supervisory Authority calls for enhanced monitoring of disruptions and abnormal observations
Subdued economic outlook is weakening the financial sector's operating environment – real estate market risks particularly increasing
Public warning to Pohjola Insurance Ltd for non-compliance with time limits under Workers’ Compensation Act and provisions concerning system of governance
Finnish financial sector has so far withstood the effects of the coronavirus pandemic well - operating environment remains uncertain, however
Financial Supervisory Authority extends the validity of its profit distribution recommendation until 1 January 2021 and clarifies expectations related to capital and liquidity buffers
Report on anti-money laundering and its implementation in Europe emphasises need for sufficient supervision resources and importance of international cooperation
The Reporter portal will be out of service on Thursday 29th of August 2024 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
The service break in the validation service of the new reporting system of the Financial Supervisory Authority has ended | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
The validation service will be out of service on Tuesday 27th of August 2024 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
EBA’s DPM 3.5 to apply as from 31 December 2024 data | EBA
The service break in Reporter portal has ended | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
See also
The objectives of the work of the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) include ensuring the stable operation of pension institutions, safeguarding the interests of the insured, and general confidence in the functioning of financial markets. In practice, the FIN-FSA implements supervision by conducting investigations and narrowly focused inspections, and through ongoing supervision. Ongoing supervision refers to the regular supervision of pension institutions based on the electronic or other reports supplied by the pension institutions, contacts, meetings and other general monitoring and supervision of activities. In addition, the FIN-FSA must be notified or the FIN-FSA’s consent or authorisation must be requested for certain measures, such as outsourcing, changes to the rules, insurance portfolio transfers, and fit and proper reports.
Supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORPs) is mainly the responsibility of the FIN-FSA’s Employee Pensions Institutions division. The division has a total of nearly 200 supervised entities. The FIN-FSA also applies a risk-based approach to the allocation of supervision resources. In practice, this means that the size and operational risk level of the supervised entity are taken into consideration when deciding on supervision. Both quantitative indicators and qualitative assessments, for example of governance, including outsourcing, are taken into account when assessing the level of operational risk. The FIN-FSA regularly conducts stress tests in which it assesses the effects of changes in the investment environment on the financial situation of pension institutions. In the case of IORPs, stress tests are conducted at least once a year.
The FIN-FSA maintains contact with supervised entities, monitors reporting and otherwise targets supervision in accordance with risk-based principles. If information received about a supervised entity’s activities gives rise to questions, they are investigated. If shortcomings are significant, they are subjected to inspection. An inspection may also be based on something other than an observed shortcoming. The supervised entity is given written feedback on the outcome of the inspection.
Significant irregularities might lead to sanctions. Statutory sanctions are, as a rule, only imposed in connection with more serious offences. The FIN-FSA may also use other means of supervision to remedy observed shortcomings. The measures used must always be proportionate to the pursued objective. An inspection is the normal prerequisite for the initiation of a sanctioning process (with the exception of administrative fines for delays in reporting). With regard to sanctioning, the Director General’s Staff of the FIN-FSA plays a key role, in addition to the supervisory department. The motive for an inspection, however, is to clarify the issue in question and is not in itself aimed at sanctioning.