
FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines for investment service providers

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Outsourcing in supervised entities belonging to the financial sector

Credit institutions Stock exchange and other trading venues Fund management companies Payment service providers Investment service providers

Sijoituspalvelujen toiminnan järjestäminen ja menettelytavat

Credit institutions Fund management companies Investment service providers Alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs)

Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

Credit institutions Stock exchange and other trading venues Payment service providers Mortgage credit intermediaries Employee pension insurance Life and non-life insurance Insurance intermediaries Crowdfunding intermediaries Investment service providers Alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs) Virtual currency providers

Customer due diligence related to compliance with sanctions regulation and national freezing orders

Credit institutions Central securities depositories Fund management companies Payment service providers Mortgage credit intermediaries Employee pension insurance Life and non-life insurance Insurance intermediaries Investment service providers Alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs) Virtual currency providers Consumer credit providers and peer-to-peer lenders

Management of operational risk in supervised entities of the financial sector

Credit institutions Stock exchange and other trading venues Fund management companies Payment service providers Investment service providers Alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs)

Management of credit risk and assessment of creditworthiness by supervised entities in the financial sector

Credit institutions Investment service providers

Financial sector regulations and guidelines on reporting of financial information (FINREP)

Credit institutions Fund management companies Investment service providers Alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs)

Rahoitussektorin kirjanpito, tilinpäätös ja toimintakertomus

Credit institutions Investment service providers

Common European Reporting (COREP)

Credit institutions Fund management companies Investment service providers Alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs)

Regulations and Guidelines related to the Capital Requirements Regulation

Credit institutions Fund management companies Investment service providers

Prudential reporting for investment firms (IF)

Investment service providers

Asuntoluoton ennenaikaisesta takaisinmaksusta perittävän enimmäiskorvauksen laskentaan käytettävät menetelmät

Credit institutions Fund management companies Investment service providers

Disclosure of expenses and returns of long-term savings agreements and insurance policies

Credit institutions Fund management companies Life and non-life insurance Insurance intermediaries Investment service providers

Pankkipalveluissa noudatettavat menettelytavat

Credit institutions Payment service providers Mortgage credit intermediaries Investment service providers Consumer credit providers and peer-to-peer lenders

Markkinaosapuolten, työeläkevakuutusyhtiöiden ja rahastoyhtiöiden julkinen sisäpiirirekisteri

Credit institutions Stock exchange and other trading venues Central securities depositories Fund management companies Employee pension insurance Investment service providers

Kolmansien maiden kaupankäyntiosapuolet

Stock exchange and other trading venues Investment service providers

Rahoitus- ja vakuutusryhmittymien vakavaraisuuden laskenta ja raportointi

Credit institutions Life and non-life insurance Investment service providers

Acquisition of controlling interest in undertakings authorised in non-EEA-states

Credit institutions Fund management companies Investment service providers Alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs)

Reporting of intra-group transactions

Credit institutions Investment service providers