Life and non-life insurance
Applying for authorisation
A written application for authorisation is submitted to the FIN-FSA, with supporting documents attached.
Applying for authorisation of a life, non-life and reinsurance company
The authorisation of an insurance company is applied for in accordance with chapter 2, section 3 of the Insurance Companies Act.
- Insurance Companies Act (521/2008, in Finnish)
- Decree of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health on the operating plan of an insurance company (355/2015, in Finnish)
Application attachments
In accordance with chapter 2, section 3 of the Insurance Companies Act.
Notification procedure
Branches and provision of services from Finland to abroad
A Finnish service provider may engage in activities falling within the scope of its authorisation in a foreign country either by establishing a branch or proving services across the border. Commencement of activities requires either a notification or an authorisation procedure depending on whether the activity is conducted outside the EEA or in another EEA member state.
Branches and cross-border provision of services from abroad to Finland
A foreign service provider may conduct its activities in Finland either by establishing a branch or by providing its services across the border. The commencement of activities is contingent on the authorisation or notification procedure.
Insurance Companies Act (521/2008, chapter 3, in Finnish)
Service providers that have submitted a notification
Conditions required by general good for foreign EEA insurance companies
Conditions required by general good for foreign EEA insurance companies
Contact information
Kati Neuvonen, Senior Legal Advisor
tel. +358 9 183 5336