- Accessibility
- alternative investment funds
- Anneli Tuominen
- alternative investment fund managers
- advice free of charge in telephone service
- Annual report
- Annual Report
- Acquisition of controlling interest
- Act on Investment Services
- Application
- ATM cash withdrawals
- Acting head
- Annual survey
- alternative investment fund manager
- additional reporting
- Algorithmic trading
- Accounting
- Administrative Court
- Agreement
- aifmd
- Appointment
- administrative fine
- Alternative investment fund managers
- Appointments
- Administration
- availability of banking services
- Administrative sanctions
- Accessability statement
- Anti-money laundering
- analysis
- Authorisations
- AML act
- Auditing
- anti-money-laundering
- Alternative investment funds
- Applicants
- Audit Committee
- Asiakkaan tunteminen
- additional capital requirement
- appointment
- Administrative fine
- assessment of the suitability
- attempted shams and frauds
- Authority
- Artificial Intelligence
- authorised representative
- audit
- Abuse of inside information
- Authorisation
- anti-money laundering
- Bankruptcy
- Banking
- banks
- banks under direct supervision
- Board deputy member
- Blogs
- Branches
- Bank sector
- Burial Fund
- board
- Board member
- Banks
- Banking supervision
- basic banking services
- banking services
- banking sector
- Board’s report to the Parliamentary Supervisory Council
- Basic banking services
- Banking regulation
- Blogit
- Branch
- Binary options
- Benefit Fund
- Benefit fund
- Board of directors
- bank
- Bid launching
- branches of foreign payment institutions
- Board
- Banking code list
- Bid
- Banking sector
- Bank of Finland
- Brexit
- Banking services
- Bank
- capital requirements calculation
- compliance with sanctions regulation
- consumer credit
- credit risk management
- Compensation insurance
- Customer bonus
- crypto-assets transfers
- credit risker
- Credit Institution
- Consumer
- corona
- Consumer credit
- capital position
- credit institutions
- crypto-assets
- Criminal fine
- Customer strong authentication
- Chief
- Capital position
- Capital Market
- cyber attacks
- Contact information
- Commercial real estate exposure
- countercyclical capital buffer
- credit servicers
- Conduct
- Capital requirements regulation
- crypto-asset service providers
- consultation
- Corona
- Communication
- Cookies policy
- Customer information
- cyber resilience
- Credit institution
- climate risks
- crypto asset service
- Crisis Simulation Exercise
- covered bonds
- credit and payment institutions
- Contract
- coronavirus
- Credit
- Comprehensive assessment
- cyber security
- Central Securities Depositories
- covid-19
- Chair
- Customer
- Credit Risk
- cash withdrawals
- counterpartyrisk
- Code of Conduct
- company pension funds
- compliance function
- Capital Requirements Regulation
- Cover
- Crowfunding
- Country assessment
- consumer protection
- Consumer credit providers
- Calculation
- cloud service
- Claim
- creditworthiness
- credit risk
- Chairman
- Cyber risk
- Concession
- Capital requirements
- capital requirements regulation
- Capital markets
- Commuting and relocation allowance
- Crypto-assets
- Cash withdrawal
- Construction-stage financing
- Conference
- consumer credits
- Competence requirements
- conditional fine
- Currency
- Coronavirus
- customer due diligence
- Capital Markets
- Credit institutions
- Consumer lenders
- Covered bonds
- comments
- confidential information
- Central Bank
- Conditional payment
- Chairperson
- Crypto-asset activities
- Capital buffer
- Compliance
- Capital requirement
- contracts for differences
- card-based payment
- costs to clients
- Card-based payments
- Consumer protection
- credit losses
- Countercyclical capital buffer
- credit spread risk
- costs and fees
- capital adequacy
- contingency plan
- Climate change
- creditrisk
- Crowdfunding
- consumer credit providers
- Cross border activity
- Correspondence
- credit risks
- DPM 4.0
- Derivatives contract
- dividend distribution
- Delayed reporting
- Disclosure obligation
- Digitalisation
- Data protection
- Dividend distribution
- Decision
- De-risking
- Deputy director general
- Disclosurerequirements
- digital operational resilience
- Director
- Disclaimer
- discussion paper
- Debuty member
- Development of operations
- Denmark
- Document
- DPM 3.4
- Deputy member of the board
- Deposit
- Disclosure
- dora
- Data science
- disruptions and abnormal observations
- Director General
- Daily allowance
- direct electronic access
- default
- Digitalisaatio
- Due diligence
- digital services
- disclosure requirements
- Derivat
- Director-General
- decision
- Deputy member
- Detection
- doubtful receivables
- Data security
- electronic signature
- European System Risk Board
- ESG risks
- ESEF reporting
- employee pension insurance company
- establishment and maintenance of national lists or registers
- ermitage partners oy
- Exposures
- EU
- eiopa
- EBA reporting
- employee pension institutions
- Eroavustuskassa
- Euro Payments Regulation
- European insurance companies
- Estate of a deceased person
- Emission
- electronic publications
- Exemption from the obligation
- Earnings-related daily allowance
- European Commission
- Ethical Code of Conduct
- Entity
- Expenses
- Electronic supervisory data
- enhanced monitoring
- environmental risks
- Employee pension company
- ecb
- e-commerce
- Employee Pension
- Eläkekassat
- esma
- Eläkesäätiöt
- eläkekassat
- E-services
- eba
- Earnings-related
- Employee pension insurance
- E-commerce
- Electronic services
- European Supervisory Authorities
- electronic
- Evästeet
- early intervention
- European Central Bank
- Exchange trading
- financial institutions
- Filing rules
- Finanssivalvonta
- fraud
- financial sector
- Financial markets
- Financial services
- Fund Management Company
- Financial Sector
- Fees
- Financial position
- financial position
- Fraudulent email
- financial sanctions
- FX positions
- funding
- financing
- Fisa
- financial market
- Financial sector
- Finnish banking sector
- fit&proper - kelpoisuus ja hyvämaineisuus
- fatf
- Fine
- Fintech
- Function
- Financial market stability
- fund management company
- Financial instruments
- Finanstilsynet
- Fund shares
- funding plans
- Fit & proper
- fraud attempt
- First North
- Financial statement
- Financial crisis
- Financial supervision
- Funding plan
- financial markets
- Financing
- Financial Supervision
- Financial Intelligence Unit
- Framework
- funds
- Finance sector
- Financial statements
- foreigners
- Fair
- funds transfer regulation
- Forms
- Foreign exchange trading
- Financial Supervisory Authority
- finrep
- Financial figures
- financial services
- Funding
- guidance
- General Secretariat
- guidelines
- Greenwashing
- granting of grace periods
- Guidelines
- group insurance
- Good repute
- guideline
- general loan payment moratoria
- Granting of consumer credit
- Granting of consumer credit related to residential property
- Granting of credit to housing companies
- Guarantee
- guidelines and systems
- insider lists
- Interest rate
- insurance agent
- Interest group
- Innovations
- Ilmastonmuutos
- investment firms
- imf
- Investigation
- Interest group survey
- insurance holding company
- insurance markets
- Investment Service
- Insurance broker
- insurance
- Ilmoitukset
- Investment firm
- investment services and products
- ICT outsourcing
- insurance intermediaries
- Instant payment
- Interpretations
- insurance contracts act
- Inside
- Insurance sector
- interest rate risk
- investment firm
- IFRS 16
- Information Security
- Investment company
- IF
- Insider register
- Internal models
- Investments
- investment fund activities
- investment fund
- IFRS 9
- Inside information
- Investment Fund
- Insurance brokers
- Insurance
- International cooperation
- Incident reports
- Investors
- Ilmoituslomakkeet
- Investment Services
- Internal audit
- Identification
- Insurance company
- Inflation
- Insurability
- investment funds
- Interview
- Insurance intermediaries
- Ilmoitusvelvollisuus
- IT systems
- Insurance claim
- information exchange
- Indebtedness
- Investment service providers
- insurance association
- investment services
- IFRS enforcement
- Insurance intermediares
- intra group transactions
- Investor protection
- insurance companies
- International Monetary Fund
- Insurance agent
- Innovation HelpDesk
- Insurance activities
- Interpretation
- Insurance companies
- Institutional Repository
- Investment services
- inherent risk assessment
- ITS data collection
- insurance and pension sectors
- Insurance distribution
- Investment
- Issuers
- IFRS financial statement
- Insurance Supervision
- Loan cap
- Legal
- Lainsäädäntö
- Loan-to-value
- Laskutusperusteet
- largeexposures
- Lisäeläkelaitos
- Listing
- liquidity risks
- Law
- life and non-life undertakings
- Lenders
- Lehdistötiedote
- legislation
- loan origination and monitoring
- lisäeläkelaitokset
- Liquidity
- Lyhyet positiot
- Life-insurance company
- Liikkeeseenlaskijat
- loan repayment
- Life and non-life insurance companies
- LEi code
- life insurance
- Listed companies
- loan payment
- Liquidity buffer
- Lisäeläkesäätiö
- Lyhyeksi myynti
- lisäeläke-etuusote
- loan
- Lisäeläkekassa
- Luottolaitos
- Licence issues
- Life insurance companies
- Life insurance company
- Lecture
- legislative and non-legislative moratoria
- Liquidity supervision
- Life Insurance
- Liikkeeseenlaskija
- Legislation
- LEI code
- loan cap
- Liquidityrisk
- Legislative initiative
- Laskuperusteet
- loan-to-value ratio
- liquidity
- Life insurance
- Management group
- Macroprudential
- Marketing
- Market Abuse Regulation
- maximum compensation
- Market abuse
- market risks
- mutual insurance company
- mortgage bank operations
- Maksuvelvolliset
- Maximum loan-to-value ratio
- Margin
- Macroprudential decisions
- Minimum risk weight
- Market stability
- Market newsletter
- Market Court
- Memorandum of understanding
- minimum level for risk weights
- Manager
- Marja Nykänen
- mortgage loans
- management companies
- machine-coded
- Media
- Market manipulation
- Mortgage loans
- Määräykset
- Market soundings
- MiFid II
- Macroprudential instruments
- Macroprudential decision
- management of operational risk
- Motor liability insurance
- Ministry of Finance
- Managers
- Mortgage credit intermediaries
- Mobile banking
- Minutes
- Market trading
- money laundering risk
- Management
- Market
- MiCA
- managers' transactions
- money remittance
- marketrisk
- macroprudential policy
- Museum
- Markkinat
- major incident
- minimum risk weight
- Macroprudential risk
- Mobile bank
- Money laundering
- Macroprudential policy
- Municipality Finance
- Macro stability
- Mortgage loan
- Macroprudential politics
- Mortgage bank
- money laundering and terrorist financing
- Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
- Markets
- Maximum loan-to-collateral
- non-discrimination
- National reporting (virati)
- Nominee registration
- non-life insurance and life insurance companies
- National Reporting (Virati)
- Notifikaatio
- nonperforming assets
- Nominate
- national reporting (virati)
- Notification
- Non-life insurance
- News releases
- National reporting
- national freezing orders
- non-UCITS investment funds
- Neglect of declaration of insider holding
- Nordea
- Notification procedure
- Net short positions
- Notification of major holdings
- Notices
- National reporting (Virati)
- Non-life insurance companies
- Notice
- non-UCITS funds
- Non-life insurance company
- Newsletter
- new digital technologies
- non-life insurance company
- non-life and life insurance companies
- Notifications
- Neglect of reporting
- News
- Nordic-Baltic countries
- Omistus
- Obligation to launch a bid
- outsourcing
- Owner control
- operationalrisk
- Obligation
- opinion
- ownfunds
- overall recovery capacity
- Online card payments
- Outsourcing
- Operational risk
- Online payments
- Online banking services
- oversight cooperation
- Offering
- obligation to publish a prospectus
- ongoing supervision
- own funds
- Ohjeet
- Press
- Pension Foundation
- Payment institution
- Public notice
- Payment institutions
- private roads and common water areas
- Penalty payment
- pension insurance
- Payment systems
- penalty payment
- payment service providers
- pension insurance company
- Preparatory document
- press release
- Payment Service
- processing fee schedule
- Professional qualifications
- Payment Services Directive
- preparedness plans
- policies
- POP Bank Centre coop
- policy
- Peer-to-peer lenders
- Pension insurance companies
- Publication
- payment institutions
- Processing fee
- Profitability analysis
- Presentation
- Payment Service Providers
- Payment cards
- PSD2
- Pääomamarkkinat
- Penalty payments
- positive credit register
- patient insurance
- Pandemic
- Principle of continuity
- Payment service providers
- privacy statements
- Principle of equity
- Pension Fund
- public warning
- prospectus
- Payment system
- Policies
- Public consultation
- Prevention of money laundering
- Public warning
- Power
- Prospectus Regulation
- profit distribution
- Peer-to-peer lending
- pension institution
- persons providing payment services without authorisation
- preventing of terrorist financing
- Pension
- Pension institutions
- Prohibition
- prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- pandemic
- payment accounts
- phishing
- Preparedness plans
- Profit distribution
- Phishing message
- Payment
- Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Pension Obligation
- prudential regulation
- Preventing money laundering and terrorist financing
- Press realease
- Prospectus
- pragmatic supervisory review and evaluation process
- pricing of cash withdrawals
- Payment comparison
- prudential framework
- prospectuses
- preparedness
- Principles
- peer-to-peer loans
- Pledge
- publications
- Payment Service Directive
- public offering
- Prudential supervision
- pohjola insurance ltd
- Public Statement
- Post
- public bid
- public consultation
- Pension Trust
- Pension sector
- Pension insurance company
- Public Bid
- Problem
- Press release
- payment services
- Public notices
- Procedure
- risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Release
- regulatory reporting oblication
- Rahoitussektori
- risk reporting
- reporting system
- regulation and guidelines
- Risk resilience
- reporting release
- Risk weight floor
- Risks increasing
- Residential mortgage loan cap
- risk weight floors
- risk resilience
- Regulatory framework
- risk assessment
- Residential mortgage loan
- request for investigation
- Registrations
- Reporting institution
- Regulation
- real estate collateral
- Repayment
- Raportointi
- Risk
- request to the police
- Risk and solvency assessment
- recommendations on financial sanctions
- Rate Risk in the Banking Book
- raterisk
- revision of Guidelines
- Reporting application
- Reporting obligation
- Register of prospectuses
- Residential real estate exposure
- Regulations and Guidelines
- Releases
- Revenue standard
- Riskienhallinta
- Representative
- Risk weight
- risk management
- Register
- Rekisteröinti
- ratio
- regulations and guidelines
- Rapportering
- Regulations
- Rahanpesu
- Request for comments
- regulatory reporting
- Regulations and guidelines
- Riskiarvio
- regulation
- rate risk
- Reporting
- Recommendations
- Recommendation
- Reporting of transactions
- reporting portal
- Report
- R report
- Risk management
- remuneration policy
- recommendation for insurance companies
- reference rate reform
- reporting framework
- Reporting institutions
- Rahanpesun estäminen
- recovery plan
- risks
- Riskitekijät
- risk weight
- reporting
- retail clients
- residential mortgage loan
- request for comment
- Registration
- Risk assessment
- Seuraamusmaksu
- Single Resolution Mechanism
- supervision strategy
- secure email
- solvency
- Supervision strategy
- supervisory disclosure
- strong customer authentication
- Solvency
- Survey
- statistical survey
- Sickness fund
- Strong customer authentication
- supervised entities
- social media
- Securities offering
- supervisory data
- supervisory fee
- Sijoitus-Invest
- securities market offence
- Specialist
- Standards on financial instruments
- Solvens
- Stresstest
- supervision of financial and insurance conglomerates
- sanction
- sustainable finance
- sustainability
- Subscription
- Sanktion
- Sustainability disclosure
- secure e-mail
- Survey of compliance
- supervisory priorities
- strategia
- standards
- Securities Markets Act
- Stock exchange
- Sound governance
- Supreme Administrative Court
- Supervision fee
- Supervisory priorities
- Seminar
- secure mail
- stress tests
- Standards
- Securities market abuse
- Scam
- statement
- standard
- scam attempts
- Suspected infringement
- Service provider
- Supervisory measures
- Strategy
- supervised entitites
- sanctions regulation
- securities offerings and listing
- Statistical survey
- Supervised entities
- Savings
- Statutory
- Security
- stt reporting
- Solvency II
- Schedules of processing fee
- Supervision releases
- Systemically important bank
- Supervisor
- Sijoittajat
- Sijoituspalvelun tarjoajat
- sanctions
- Systemic risk buffer
- Settlement internalisation
- soundness of governance
- survey
- Schedule of processing fees
- safe harbour transactions in own shares
- sanctions risk assessment
- Short positions
- Sääntelykokonaisuudet
- Sanction
- self-funded group insurance
- Supervision
- Statistics
- Sanctions
- Statement
- Stress test
- short positions
- supervisory outlier test
- systemic risk buffer
- securitisation
- Subscription to electronic publications
- sustainability risks
- supervides entities' event
- statutory employment pension insurance
- statistics
- Statistic
- stress test
- suitability assessment
- trade repositories
- thematic review
- Tiedoksiannot
- Terrorismin rahoitus
- teleworking
- Tilinpäätös
- technical standard
- Thematic assessment
- testi
- Third-country insurance company branches
- Työttömyyskassa
- Toimilupa
- Tiedote
- Terrorist financing
- Token
- Trading venues
- Thematic review
- Trade
- third countries
- transfer of funds
- Transactions
- Toimenpidehinnasto
- Thematic evaluation
- Työeläke
- Työeläkelaitos
- Terrorism
- Takeover
- Trading
- The Instant Payment Regulation
- Third-country
- transfer of data
- Toimenpidemaksut
- Työttömyys
- Terrorismi
- Termination
- Types of insurance
- Transaction reporting
- Valvottavat
- Virtual currency provider
- Vakavaraisuus
- vakuutusyhtiöt
- Vastuuvelka
- Virati
- Verification of identity
- Vice chair
- Vakra
- Virtual currencies
- virtual currency service providers
- virati
- Vice Chairman
- valuation process
- Values
- validation checks
- virtual asset service providers
- vakuutettujen lukumäärää koskeva ilmoitus
- Virtual currency
- Väärinkäyttö