Supervision releaseExchange of collateral with respect to OTC derivatives contracts of financial counterparties to become mandatory
Supervision releaseGuidelines on delay in disclosure of inside information enter into force on 20.12.2016
Supervision releaseRevisions to debt instruments and standard terms of debt
Supervision releaseChanges introduced by IFRS 9 in the reporting of financial information by financial sector entities (FINREP)
Supervision releaseChanges to ITS-based supervisory reporting for the financial sector at the turn of the year
Supervision releaseEBA seeks views on revised standards on supervisory reporting
Supervision releaseAmendments of regulations and guidelines 25/2013 on capital requirements calculations and large exposures enter into force on 15 September 2016
Supervision releaseChanges in regulations and guidelines on the development of recovery plans and early intervention
Supervision releaseAmendments to credit institutions’ supervisory reporting of the leverage ratio
Supervision releaseLaunch of new reporting on credit institutions' liquidity coverage requirement (LCR) and changes in the reporting of significant currencies in liquidity reporting
Supervision releaseContactless payment cards
Supervision releaseChanges in FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines on the securities market
Supervision releaseFinancial Reporting (FINREP) as of reporting date 30 June 2016
Supervision releaseFIN-FSA Conference on 4 October 2016: Opportunities and threats of digitalisation in the financial services sector
Supervision releaseRegulations and guidelines 1/2014 Risk reporting by credit institutions enters into force on 1 July 2016
Supervision releaseCommission Implementing Regulation with regard to additional monitoring metrics for liquidity reporting adopted on 1 March 2016
Supervision releaseNew schedule of processing fees to take effect on 15 March 2016
Supervision releaseDispute settlement required by the Regulation on interchange fees
Supervision releaseFINREP XBRL reporting
Supervision releaseGuideline specifying the conditions for group financial support to enter into force on 9 February 2016
Supervision releaseConsultation by the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) on automation in financial advice