Reporting release 19 August 2021 – 20/2021

The RA data collection will also be updated to cover virtual currency providers and non-life insurance companies | National reporting (Virati)

The FIN-FSA will add non-life insurance companies and virtual currency providers to the list of reporting groups of the RA data collection as of 1 January 2022. The reference date of the data to be collected to the first annual report is 31 December 2021, and the reporting deadline is 28 February 2022. A notice of reporting obligation has been sent to the companies separately.

Workbooks and instructions of the RA-data collection will be published in November 2021 in Jakelu distribution service. The publication is reported separately in the FIN-FSA reporting releases. The RA data collection will be updated at the same time with some smaller changes/corrections.

In accordance with the Act on Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (444/2017) (AML Act), the Financial Supervisory Authority (the FIN-FSA) shall prepare a supervisor-specific assessment of the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing among the obliged entities supervised by it. In addition, chapter 7, section 2(1) of the AML Act provides on the FIN-FSA’s right to obtain information for the performance of the tasks referred to in the Money Laundering Act.

The data collected are used in preparing the supervisor-specific risk assessment and in risk-based supervision. There will be no separate individual feedback on the responses given.

For further information, please contact

  • Questions relating to the content of the report: ulla-maija.kaivola(at)
  • Technical issues and matters of interpretation relating to Virati reporting: VIRATIhelpdesk(at)

Further information on the FIN-FSA website