Reporting release 23 July 2020 – 18/2020

EBA has published an amended implementing technical standard (ITS) for credit institutions – Covid19-demo workbooks have published | EBA

The EBA has published an implementing technical standard (ITS) concerning the DPM model used in regulatory reporting, the XBRL taxonomy and the validation rules package for the Covid19, Resolution and Supervisory Benchmarking data collections. The newly published ITS becomes binding legislation after the European Commission has adopted it and it has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

DPM version 2.10 for data collection for Covid19 data collection will be applied from 30.9.2020 and for Resolution and Supervisory Benchmarking data collections from 31.12.2020 (SBP IMV from 09/2020).

Demo workbooks for Covid19 data collection and a new version of the Fiva Tiedonkeruusovellus (reporting application) in the Jakelu distribution service have been published. The new version of the data collection application will be widely available later this year.

The following template-specific reporting obligations have changed:

  • F_23.01 – F_26.00 ja F_47.00 FINREP9 IFRS
  • C_75.01

Template-specific reporting obligations, DPM 2.9

The EBA has moved to a new modular release model following the DPM version 2.9. In the new release model, amendments to data collections belonging to the reporting framework will be released at different points in time. Amendments to the data collections will enter into force as of data reference dates determined on the basis of the schedule of the publication model. The FIN-FSA will communicate on new ITS releases later on.

EBA website on XBRL taxonomy and DPM model concerning ITS reporting

For further information, please contact:

  • EBA ITS reporting: EBAReportingHelpdesk(at)