Supervision release 27 January 2020 – 1/2020

Amended regulations and guidelines 4/2018: Management of credit risk by supervised entities in the financial sector 10.2.2020

On 23 January 2020, the FIN-FSA issued amended regulations and guidelines 4/2018: Management of credit risk by supervised entities in the financial sector. The regulations and guidelines will enter into force on 10 February 2020.

Most relevant changes to regulations and guidelines 4/2018:

  • Addition of EBA Guidelines of 30 October 2018 on the management of non-performing and forborne exposures to the regulations and guidelines.
  • Addition, as applicable and subject to requisite additions and revisions, the contents of the letter “To banks operating in Finland 30 October 2010: Safeguarding banks’ long-term profitability and customer protection” and of the supervision release “20/2010 - 8 June 2010: Supervisory release of household housing finance”.
  • Clarification of lending practices related to housing company credit.

Feedback statement on comments received

A feedback statement has been issued on the comments given on the regulations and guidelines. The feedback statement and comments received are available at the and websites.

For further information, please contact

Torsten Groschup, Senior Risk Expert, tel. +358 9 183 5333 or torsten.groschup(at)


Regulations and guidelines 4/2018