Supervision release 19 December 2018 – 55/2018

Amendment to Regulations and guidelines 1/2011 "Submission of electronic supervisory data of an entity operating in the insurance markets to the FIN-FSA"

The FIN-FSA has amended the instructions concerning electronic reporting by entities operating in the insurance markets. The amendments enter into force on 31 December 2018 and apply from annual reporting for 2018 onwards.


  • The scope of application of VM01c reporting on non-life insurance was extended to cover branches of foreign EEA insurance companies operating in Finland.
    Reporting instructions of the VE011 survey for non-life insurance companies were clarified and the reporting template was revised.
  • A Reporting release will be published in December, when the updated reporting applications can be downloaded in the Jakelu distribution service.

Summary of consultation feedback

Summary of consultation feedback has been published in in Finnish and Utlå in Swedish.

For further information, please contact

Kirsti Svinhufvud, Analyst,


Regulations and guidelines 1/2011 Submission of electronic supervisory data of an entity operating in the insurance markets to the FIN-FSA (available in Finnish and Swedish)