Supervision release 18 November 2020 – 72/2020

Amendments to Regulations and guidelines 1/2011 ‘Submission of electronic supervisory data of an entity operating in the insurance markets to the FIN-FSA’

Regulations and guidelines on the submission of patient insurance data to the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) have been added to the FIN-FSA Regulations and guidelines 1/2011. The amendments will implement the collection of data required for the FIN-FSA’s statistical survey, as provided for in the Patient Insurance Act (948/2019). The submission of data applies to both Finnish and foreign EEA insurance companies.

Entry into force of regulations and guidelines

The changes to the regulations and guidelines enter into force on 31 December 2020.

Consultation feedback received

Consultation feedback received and a summary thereof has been published on the FIN-FSA’s online service in connection with Regulations and guidelines 1/2011.

For further information, please contact

Pirkko Welin-Siikaluoma, Chief Actuary, telephone +358 9 183 5533 or pirkko.welin-siikaluoma(at)
