Supervision release 26 March 2019 – 10/2019

Amendments to the Guidelines on the management of interest rate risk arising from non-trading activities to take effect on 30 June 2019

Regulations and Guidelines 5/2015 on the management of interest rate risk arising from non-trading activities have been amended, with the amendments taking effect on 30 June 2019. With the amendments, the revised Guidelines of the European Banking Authority (EBA) of 19 July 2018 on the management of interest rate risk arising from non-trading activities (EBA/GL/2018/02) will be incorporated in the FIN-FSA’s regulations and guidelines.

The FIN-FSA recommends that the entities falling within the scope of application of the guidelines comply with the above mentioned EBA Guidelines.

The revised EBA Guidelines reflect developments in the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and clarify internal governance and supervisory outlier test requirements during the first phase of the European implementation of the Basel standards. The revisions are, therefore, intended to act as a bridge to the future requirements, which will be incorporated in the CRD V / CRR2 framework.

The FIN-FSA has informed EBA that it will observe the Guidelines as of 30 June 2019.

For further information, please contact

Marjo Risku, Senior Risk Specialist, tel. +358 9 183 5275 or email marjo.risku(at)
