Statistical data under Solvency II

This statistical data on supervised insurance and reinsurance undertakings and insurance groups has been disclosed by virtue of Directive 2009/138/EC. In accordance with Article 316(2) of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/35, the disclosure shall include data of the four previous years. Before 2020, the disclosure shall include available data of all previous years, if data of four years is not available.

Statistical data under Solvency II, 2016–2019: Templates A and B (excel)

Template A includes the following data on insurance and reinsurance undertakings:

  • types of undertakings
  • use of adjustments or transitional measures by undertakings
  • amounts of assets, liabilities and own funds
  • regulatory capital requirements – standard formula
  • regulatory capital requirements – internal models
  • regulatory capital requirements – capital add-ons

Template B includes the following data on insurance groups:

  • types of groups
  • accounting method and group own funds
  • group solvency capital requirement
  • group internal models

Statistical data under Solvency II, 2016–2019: Templates C and D (excel)

Templates C and D include information of supervisory authority.

Solvency II regulation